Keep watering your garden and potted plants regularly, even though we’ve had rain in the past few weeks. It’s important to check the moisture levels in your pots, as sometimes the rain doesn’t adequately water potted plants.

Remember that a few deep waterings a week (1 hour minimum on a drip system or soaker hose) are much better for your plants than many brief, shallow waterings. Shallow waterings encourage your plants’ roots to stay near the soil surface, where they can be dried out easily by our intense sunlight.

Please check your mulch too … your spring-spread organic mulch has probably decomposed by now, so you may want to renew it with another couple of inches of bark, compost, or a soil conditioner.

It’s also time again to fertilize your spring-blooming perennials and flowering shrubs so that the energy they expended flowering can be replaced against the oncoming stresses of winter.

We recommend a slow-release organic fertilizer like Gro-Power Plus. There are several other organic and non-organic fertilizers available at both our stores, so come by and check them out. A good layer of mulch will keep the moisture in the soil where it belongs! Keeping roots moist but not overly wet which can cause root rot and disease. When summer heat hits, a layer of mulch might be the difference between life and death for plants, especially new plantings. We have BAGGED Mulches and of course our Payne’s Organic Soil Yard for BULK Mulches! CLICK here to learn more!