Strong, dusty winds can take a real toll on a garden, stripping away topsoil and essential nutrients that plants rely on to grow. These winds can lead to soil erosion, making it harder for plants to develop deep roots and retain moisture. Dust particles are also rough on leaves, causing them to brown, tear, or struggle to absorb sunlight properly.

Besides damaging plants, dust-filled winds can clog leaf pores, making it harder for them to breathe and take in sunlight. This weakens plants, leaving them more vulnerable to disease and pests. To protect your garden, consider using windbreaks like trees, shrubs, or fences, and cover the soil with mulch or ground cover to keep it in place.

PAYNE’S TIP: Spring is almost here, and the winds are starting to pick up—so now’s the time to stay on top of watering! Be sure to water in the early morning or late afternoon when the wind is calmer, so the moisture has a chance to soak in instead of evaporating or getting carried away. Watering in the heat of the day can be wasteful, as strong winds can blow water off course before it reaches plant roots.