By Jennifer Aldrich August 12, 2021 – Better Homes and Gardens
To celebrate moving into a new apartment, my boyfriend and I decided to treat ourselves to a housewarming gift. Fittingly, we live directly above Petals + Moss, a local plant shop bursting with potted beauties. When we walked in, my boyfriend (who is no plant expert) immediately pointed to the biggest plant in the store: A large tree with sprawling green waxy leaves. Yes, it was a fiddle-leaf fig, and though the plant is gorgeous, it’s notoriously finicky and can be difficult to take care of. After a couple of months, I’m pleased (and slightly surprised) to report that our fig is doing well, even though we’re still plant parent newbies. To make sure I was doing everything right, I enlisted the expertise of Joyce Mast, resident Plant Mom for Bloomscape. She shares her best tips here for keeping a fiddle-leaf fig tree thriving.
Fiddle-Leaf Fig Lighting RequirementsFiddle-leaf figs thrive in warm, bright, and humid conditions, which is exactly why these tropical weather-loving plants are difficult to grow indoors, Mast explains. “Your fiddle-leaf fig will grow best with consistent, indirect bright light,” she says, adding that you should “turn the plant every few months once it begins to lean towards the light.” However, be very careful when you’re rotating your plant because fiddle-leaf figs do not like to be moved. “If it’s necessary to move your plant, be prepared for some leaf drop until it is acclimated again in approximately two-to-three weeks,” Mast says.
Fiddle-Leaf Fig Watering NeedsFirst of all, make sure to choose a pot with a drainage hole, so the roots don’t rot if you over-water. “With pots that do not have drainage holes, water will often collect at the bottom and deprive the roots of oxygen, eventually causing them to die,” Mast warns. If your planter has a saucer, make sure to empty that out after watering, too.
When you water your fig, drench the soil until the water drains from the bottom. Because fiddle-leaf figs vary in size, there’s no exact amount of water your plant needs; it all depends on how big (or small) the houseplant is. “Your plant will let you know if it is not getting enough water when its leaves become limp and floppy, eventually turning a light brown and becoming crispy before falling off,” Mast says. On the flip side, “If you see dark brown spots or areas ringed in yellow, this can indicate that your plant is getting too much water and the roots are becoming unhealthy.” Your plant will let you know if it is not getting enough water.
Fiddle-Leaf Fig Humidity NeedsRainforests, where the fiddle-leaf fig thrives, usually have humidity levels around 77% to 88%. Of course, you’re not going to keep your house that humid, and if you notice your plant drooping, it could be because the tree is craving more moisture in the air. When it comes to boosting the humidity around your fig, Mast recommends either misting the plant regularly, using a pebble tray, or moving a humidifier nearby.
Fiddle-Leaf Fig Fertilizing TipsMast recommends giving your fiddle-leaf fig fertilizer once in the spring and every month in the summer to encourage fresh growth and healthy roots. You don’t need to feed your tree in the winter because growth slows down during the colder months. “A little [fertilizer] goes a long way, and always make sure the soil is damp before applying any type of fertilizer,” she says. “Over-fertilization can cause your plant to grow leggy and can even kill it.”
Re-potting Fiddle-Leaf FigsIf you notice your plant’s roots appearing at the top of the soil, or if you see them poking out of the drainage hole, that means your plant is root-bound, and it’s ready for some new digs. “You can also tell when it is time to re-pot when water rushes through the drainage holes when you water,” Mast explains. “This shows the roots are taking up too much room in the current pot, and there is not enough soil-to-root ratio.” Also, make sure you don’t put your tree in a planter that’s too big for it. “When selecting a new pot, do not increase the size more than two inches from its current pot,” Mast says.
Common Fiddle-Leaf Fig Problems and PestsEarning their diva reputations, fiddle-leaf figs are quite sensitive to sudden changes in their care or growing conditions such as water, humidity, temperature, and light. “If you are underwatering or accidentally let the soil dry out completely, you may see branches go limp or leaves crisp up. A good solution is to soak-water your plant.” To soak-water, drench your fig until the water drains out. “Keep in mind that when the soil goes from bone-dry to saturated, it can cause stress for your fiddle-leaf fig and may cause leaves to drop,” Mast says. “Give it some time to adjust.”
You also might notice some fungus gnats flitting around your fig, which happened to my tree. Fungus gnats like to lay their eggs in moist soil, so your tree’s pot is a prime spot for the insects. To discourage these pests from living in your houseplant’s soil, avoid overwatering your fig and drain out the saucer (if you have one) to keep the area as dry as possible.
Payne’s has Fiddle-Leaf Fig Trees in stock now!