We are so happy to be able to serve you. However, please read the information below so that we can ALL be safe and healthy.

1. Masks are REQUIRED at all times. Please wear a mask at all times in the store and the greenhouses.
2. Please keep at least 6 feet from others.
3. Please cough in your elbow/sleeve.
4. We will be Open 7 Days a week – Monday
thru Saturday – 9 am to 6 pm and Sundays 10 am to 4 pm.
thru Saturday – 9 am to 6 pm and Sundays 10 am to 4 pm.
Checklist for Entering our Locations:
• Wear a protective face covering.
• Stay home if you’re sick, coughing or have a fever
• Clean your hands often
• Practice 6 ft. of social distancing at all times
• Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your elbow
• Follow posted signs and instructions from our team members
Our Commitment to You:
• To limit the number of people in our stores at any given time to allow for social distancing according to the NM Health Department requirements
• To frequently wash our hands
• To provide hand sanitizer in several locations so that customers can use as needed
• To install clear plexiglass at both stores as protection for our cashiers
• To frequently clean and disinfect our stores and sanitize any surface we consider a heavy use or touch surface. We leave the doors open all day so no one has to touch the door handles.
• To sanitize our shopping carts and basket handles after each use
Our Inventory
In addition, we are not able to get in all of the merchandise we are accustomed to carrying. We are working to replenish as much of our stock as possible, based on product availability.